Relative Density Apparatus
Standard :
Model No. : PIT-
Relative Density Apparatus. Apparatus determines relative density of granular soils which do not respond well to Proctor moisture-density tests. Maximum density is determined by placing soil in special mould and densifying using a vibrating table and surcharge.
How to Perform Test on Relative Density Apparatus click here to Watch Full Procedure
Technical Specification
The set includes two 6″ (152 mm) diameter x 12″ (305 mm) long metal cylinders, each with a funnel and 6″ (152 mm) long delivery spout attached to one end. Spouts are 1″ (25.4 mm) and 1/2″ (12.7 mm) in diameter.
A metal 3 x 12 x 1/8″ (76 x 305 x 3.2 mm) calibrated bar is also included.
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