Bending Moment Apparatus
Standard :
Model No. : PIT-
The long and short sections of the teak wood beam are connected by hinge. A spring balance with adjusting screw mounted at a fixed distance enables one to calculate the bending moment for any load position. Another special attachment with an adjustable screw is also provided. This along with a spring balance and its adjustable screw is used for determining the shear force at the hinge section.
Technical Specification
- Beam 1 mtr. span with supports.
- Bending moment measurement arrangement.
- Shear force measurement arrangement.
- Spirit level to restore the loaded beam to its original position.
- Weight set with loading hangers.
- Determination of shear force for different loading conditions.
- Determination of bending moment for different loading conditions.
- Influence line diagram for bending moment & shear force.
- The technical manual accompanies the unit.