Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
Standard :
Model No. : PIT-324
Marshall Stability Test equipment is used by Construction engineers, QC Engineers, highway contractors, Testing Laboratories and Government agencies to test the stability of bitumen samples. It is used for the determination of resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bitumen mix loaded on the lateral surface.
The Machine can provide measurement data for use with hot mix containing asphalt , Tar and aggregate upto 25.4mm. The equipment comprises of bench top loading frame with 2 columns and an adjustable crosshead.
Test Performance of Marshall Stability click here to Watch Procedure and Test.
Technical Specification
The Marshall Stability Test Machine are available in both Analog and Digital model
Analog Machine: Determines the result by using the load testing method of proving ring and linear displacement by 25mm dial Gauge
Digital Machine: Determines the result by using Digital load indicator and LVDT sensor of 25mm
- Maximum Load Capacity 50kn
- Reduction gear box installed for accurate speed
- Limit Switch for limiting the movement of Screw jack
- Sound Proof
- Table top type
Supplied With
- Load frame bench top type
- Proving ring and Dial gauge in case of analog
- Marshall mould 100mm dia 3 nos.
- Compaction pedestal 100mm
- Compaction Hammer 1 set
- Breaking Head
- User Manual and warranty certificate
- Calibration test report
Explore more Products and Instrument of Asphalt Testing.
- Modified Marshall Stability apparatus for 150mm dia sample.