Standard : IS 2720 (PART-V) ASTM D 427, BS 1377
Model No. : PIT-
COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE 500 KN SERVO PRIMETEK developed by Primetek Instruments is a robust compression tester manufactured as per International Standards. Equipped with touch screen display, this machine is easy to use and maintained.
The load frame is a sturdy welded plate type complete with hydraulic power pack attached to it. Solid machined spacers are supplied to test different sizes of concrete specimen. The piston is duly hard chromed for fast lift and return.
Technical Specification
- Micro Controller based Compression Testing Machine is controlled by an intelligent pace Rate
- This facilitates Automatic Pace Rate Control, Data Logging, Data Printing, Load Hold etc.
- lt has a full 3 term PID feedback control which uses a high torque Stepper Motor.
- lt consists of a Loading Unit, an Electrically Operated Hydraulic Pump & an intelligent pace Rate Controller.
- Compression Testing Machine with digital display, this machine has automatic pace rate control with the facility of data logging, storage & printing for analysis.
- Micro Controller based Compression Testing Machine is ln addition to all the features of
- The operation of the machine is detailed in the operating manual supplied with the machine.
- The operation is user friendly with a menu driven interface and prompts for an operator
- Meets the Exceeds specifications of lS 14858 (2000), Machines Conforming to ASTM C39, AASHTO T-22,8S
- Automatic Pace Rate Control at a preset value.
- Pace deviation bar graph.
- Automatic stress determination and display.
- Overload safety protection.
- Self-aligning platen with fast accessory change capability.
- Configurable Engineering Unit for machine selection.
- Predefined Machine capacities for each engineering unit.
- Specific capacity can be selected from the drop-down menu.
- Flexible Calibration Points
- Calibration can be done on 5 to 10 points.
- Peak Load, Peak Stress, Unique Record No. is displayed.
- EDI has provision to configure more than one Mode.
- Model” ‘Compression/Mode2-Flexure/Mode3-Prism Testing/Mode4-Tensile Splitting strength.
- Each mode will have independent calibration points and calibration points are also flexible.
- Dynamic Calibration
- Any Centronics dot matrix Printer.
- Menu Driven sample details
- Data storage approx. 2000 records.
- Data Download thru RS232 in ASCII format.
- User can set break point.
- Store records can be viewed & print.
- Peak stress calculation based on sample type and shape.
- Easy to operate.