Waterbath SS

Refregerated Curing Tank

Refregerated Curing Tank Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- Accelerated Curing Tank or Concrete Curing Tank is used for the curing of concrete samples for at least 8 hours. The purpose of curing is to ensure that all concrete samples are similar with regards to quality and strength. Technical Specification Accelerated type Curing Tank Heating Feature.…

Waterbath SS

Waterbath S.S

Waterbath S.S Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- A Waterbath is laboratory equipment made of Stainless Steel Body. It is used to incubate samples (concrete cubes, cylinderical etc.) Technical Specification Refrigeration type Curing Tank Heating and Cooling Feature. Inner tank Capacity : 1000 Ltrs. 150 mm Cube Capacity 100 Nos. With Digital PID Controller. Inner tank…

Aggregate Test

Aggregate Test and Its Equipment

What is Aggregate Test and Its Equipment. Why It is Important to Perform Aggregate Test. Know Everything About Aggrigate Testing Aggregate Test What is Aggregate Test and Why it is used ? Aggregate test and equipment used for those tests Aggregate is an important part of construction which plays crucial role in forming the structures…