Pitot Tube Setup

Pitot Tube Setup

Pitot Tube Setup Description Standard   : Model No. : A Pitot tube is used to measure the local velocity at a given point in the flow stress. A pitot tube of standard design made of copper/SS is supplied and is fixed below vernies scale. Download Technical Specification The vernies scale is capable to measure the…

Nozzle Meter Test Rig

Nozzle Meter Test Rig

Nozzle Meter Test Rig Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- The apparatus consists of a Nozzle meter made of stainless steel houses in Acrylic Test Section. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump. Download Technical Specification Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in…

Metacentric Height Apparatus

Metacentric Height Apparatus

Shrinkage Limit Set Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- A pontoon is allowed to float in a small tank having a transparent side. Removable steel strips placed in the model for the purpose of changing the weight of the model. Displacement of weight is measured with the help of a scale. Download Technical Specification…

Laminar Flow Table

Laminar Flow Table

Laminar Flow Table Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- The present set-up is designed to visualize the ideal flow around immersed body. It consists of a flow table in which flow of water is circulated in between two transparent sheets with a small gap between them. Download Technical Specification Water is supplied to the…

Impact of Jet on Vanes

Impact of Jet on Vanes

Impact of Jet on Vanes Description Standard   : Model No. : PIT- The setup consists of a clear Acrylic fabrication section. Water is fed through a nozzle and discharged vertically to strike a target carried on a stem, which extends through the cover. Download Technical Specification A weight carrier is mounted on the upper end…